I never miss an issue, and have learned so much. It really delivers.
I never miss an issue, and have learned so much. It really delivers.
The magazine is filled with great value and inspiration for content marketers.
If you are looking to gather one valuable information on the "How tos" here you go!
Great mag for anyone with a web business!!
A lot of insightful info for website owners
Theres a lot of good stuff here, and in blocks that are easy for a busy person to read. Better than I expected, and better than many of the more well-known magazines I read. Thanks.
Content is good but I cannot read it on my iPad 1. It crashes every time I try to start it. I guess its my fault since I havent spent another $800 update to the latest device to read digital magazines!
Ok stuff, but no hint on how to cancel once signed up. Not cool.
I started because of the free trial but there is so much good stuff in here Im going to keep going! I just wish that the back issues were included with the subscription.
Ive been a professional writer and editor for 30 years and I find CM to be one of the most useful how-to publications Ive ever read. The links and ads are all top quality and enhance rather than distract from the excellent content, making the magazine in fact much larger than its page count. The subscription price is easily one of the best investments Ive ever made in my writing career. I look forward to every new issue.
Great magazine! Very concise and to the point
they advertise it as "free one time look". then charge you for new articles each month despite not ever asking for it.
Ok, so perhaps most of the articles you find here are previously published blog posts, and perhaps it is not rocket science. But, as a busy marketeer, I thoroughly enjoy how it is presented, and the topics covered. All essential stuff, gathered in a single location, with predictable and timely delivery. I save tons of time trying to gather all this myself. And yes, it contains much more than meets the eye, with lots and lots of link-throughs and extras. Its true value comes from the handy format, predictably high quality content, and simple delivery.
Every issue is filled with action pack strategies and tips...!
It doesnt offer an option to uninstall this app. No "x". Apparently if you load it, you are stuck with it and cant even turn the background app refresh off. Bad news!!
Great insight